A crumb of context for you :)
Studio Blog
I just love yapping!
I think the studio blog is my favorite part of this website to be completely honest. I love sharing my processes and inspirations with you all. I’m really grateful to you for taking the time to get to know me <3
- Brittany :)

Has January always been this long?

This business is getting personal

I think better in monochrome

I even took a field trip!

My Horoscope said I’m ok :)
This eternity crumpled in on itself, contorting years down into days and months into mornings and back again. I personally watched the sun rise so many times this past month and I still feel like maybe I blinked a few hundred thousand hours by somehow.

Bleeding Feathers
Something grotesque and weird like that.

Hello World! :)
After so long and so many Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok and Youtube Accounts. I finally made the decision to build my own site and debut as an emerging artist. I’m so excited to have and share this platform. I always wanted to create an art community like my idols when I was younger, so I’m very happy to be fulfilling this lifetime wish for myself :)