Hello World! :)

My name is Brittany and I’m a independent artist.

 I fell in love with art when I was a child and my passion has only ever gotten stronger. I always knew I wanted to create professionally, and I’ve held on to that dream my whole life. I didn’t go to art school. I earned my Bachelor’s in Human psychology, because I’ve always been very passionate about mental health as well and I didn’t want to choose between my true callings in life. The majority of my education comes from the art community of my teen years. Youtube, DeviantArt, Art Amino the whole nine. I personally feel like the art community that I was able to be a part of when I was younger, really had such a big impact on me and really helped me envision a future for myself. 

 I found a lot of inspiration in cartoon, comics, anime and manga as well. The bright colors, complex characters and touching storylines really stuck with me. I have a distinct memory as a child, of wanting to draw my anime waifu so bad, that I decided that drawing was actually the most important skill I could perfect.  

 My art is a little bit of everything all the time. I’ve done a pretty good rotation of mediums throughout my training, so I like to think I’m proficient in most things. My skillset is so diverse, that I don’t even really have a favorite, it just depends on the day. Most of the time, for convenience sake, I do digital art. But these days, I’m really developing my acrylic painting skills and I’m loving the results. 

 As an independent artist, I just want to create and share. I’d love to make enough money one day to own my own studio space or maybe even teach a class/ workshop one day. Right now though, I just want to have fun and build community. I just want to create beautiful things and beautiful spaces for all of us to enjoy. 

 I’m really excited about my debut collection! I’m about halfway through the first piece as I type this and it’s already so unique to the rest of my portfolio and I’m so looking forward to seeing the collection complete. 

 It started with this idea I had in 2020, all those years ago. It was initially an idea for a comic/ graphic novel, but I’ve since decided to make it a fine art collection instead. I’m taking inspiration from the art of Tokyo Ghoul in that respect, because their covers were always the most beautiful to me. The premise is that Guardian angels are in short supply and so there’s a cosmic “temp agency” for “temp” angels and instead of white angel wings they get pigeon wings because I love pigeons. Maybe one day, I’ll fully develop it into novel, but for now I’m perfectly happy just painting my OCs and daydreaming about their storylines. 

Overall, I’m just really excited to be here and to see where this goes :)


Bleeding Feathers