I even took a field trip!

I had a really fun idea recently to work in themes.

Like, every week I’d work from a different theme and produce mini collections to be repurposed later.

The first theme I chose was Reclamation and it took a bit longer than two weeks and led me to some really interesting places.

My initial sentiment was that I just wanted to be reclaimed by the Earth. More specifically the Southern Louisiana part of Earth. I always get homesick at the tail end of Fall, beginning of Winter. That piece and sentiment led me to really explore my time on that part of the Earth as well as the people who lived there before me: My ancestors. And then I was interested in exploring that spiritually on multiple fronts, the first of which (for some reason): Christian colonization (Edit: Colonization is definitely not the right word for this context? I’m not like, a historian or anything. . . you know what I mean here.) as it relates to the Nigerian/ Yuroban people who were trafficked to the bible belt during the Transatlantic Slave Trade and how that continues to inform my religious and spiritual beliefs and practices today.

In addition to artwork, I actually did a lot of reading for this collection. I studied Yuroban history, religion and ideological texts. coincidentally, during this time my DNA results were updated to reflect that I actually am of Yuroban heritage (I knew it!)

After all that, I found Babalawo in the city and had a traditional divination session. The furthest I’d ever gone for the sake of a collection before, for sure.

Creating this collection had many profound effects on me.

To be perfectly honest, me and Christianity haven’t been compatible for a while, so this was the perfect opportunity to broaden my horizons and reclaim something I didn’t even know was mine.

When I was at my appointment seeking my destiny, I actually did learn a few things that I feel I’m better for.

  1. Some Babalawoa are more Santeria-informed than Yuroban/ Ifa informed and I’ll probably have to go down to Brooklyn for a better fit.

  2. No matter how traditional and interesting, I’m just not compatible with structures of Organized religion in general. Maybe it’s just the xyandz of it all but I just can’t on board with it.

  3. Even though I’m destined and capable for greatness, I need to slow down and enjoy the journey so I can make informed choices. He also said I should be sure to stay on top of my physical health. My ancestors are concerned with the amount I smoke. Fair enough.

It was a bit of a foundation shift to learn all of this and even experience it first hand. I definitely think I’m better for this knowledge and experiences even if I won’t become a priestess or anything. Even though this collection is coming to a close, I’ll definitely continue to study and incorporate the religion on my own terms and time.

The process of working through themes is really fun and I’ll definitely continue it.

My favorite part was of course, the babalawo. It was really cool to be an active participant and I’m really grateful for his presence in our community. One of the coolest things I’ve ever done for the plot, for sure.

I also appreciate studying something in depth like that. inquisition is cool!


I think better in monochrome


My Horoscope said I’m ok :)