This business is getting personal

Reflections and concessions from 2025

This year I started my art business.

Reflection: I feel very grateful that I was able to take that step and give myself this gift. It really took a lot to even make it to this point and I’m amazed. Muah, no notes.

Concession: I am confronting previous ideas of what I thought it meant to be in this position and gracefully guiding myself in a direction that’s more accurate.

Exploration: I’m still growing as an artist in my personal practice and it’s a bit like putting together a puzzle, mixing business into it. I have many ideas and ambitions on both sides of the aisle and learning to balance that will be interesting.

Reflection: Public vulnerability is a skill that I am attempting to master gracefully.

Concession: It feels a bit awkward right now, but I think that’s ok.

Exploration: The artists and creators that I remember the most were the ones who embraced vulnerability.

I really appreciate messy, raw, dynamic narratives. I’m pretty sure this was my introduction to the concept of a blog, in a cool way at least. There were lots of inspirations and mutuals over the years that influences me as well, but this one is my most prominent example.

It’s not just writing, I’m trying to be more emotionally available for my visual art pieces and the process of storytelling around them because I’d like to produce evocative art.

I feel like I was tested immediately though, because as soon as I went public the world called my bluff and I was given a lot of raw, potent emotion to use as fuel for my work. I burned through the fuel, honored my feelings and created a lot during that time but what really became challenging was sharing it and the process behind it. I’m choosing to do it anyway, but I really feel like I understand what it means to “have skin in the game” now. It’s a really vulnerable position to be in.

I think therefore I am.

Reflection: I did a lot thinking about the concepts of subjective reality, manifestation and spiritual alignment in relation my life here. I appreciate the idea that we do, to some degree, create our own reality. That’s a lot power that a lot of people don’t really understand.

Concession: I don’t really understand, but I’m trying.

Exploration: I am shifting my view of the world towards one that rewards self determination and self-belief. Of course, I can not believe myself to be a millionare. But I can believe myself to be cool and capable. I can believe that I am courageous and confident. I believe there are opportunities available to me. I believe I can make my own opportunities.


Has January always been this long?


I think better in monochrome