I think better in monochrome
I did a lot of thinking this week and I just feel like I think better when I’m practicing in monochrome.
I really appreciate the level of depth and complexity I’m able to achieve in monochromatic work. Not having to consider colors really frees up my mind to think harder on other elements of compositions.
And other things
Like Kdot’s new album
This album has really resonated with me and has been the perfect soundtrack for all of my ponderings of self-worth and progress.
I’ve always loved Kendrick’s music and regarded him as one of my favorite musicians. This album is the first time I’ve been in a mindset with a perspective to fully appreciate what it means to have Kendrick as an artist.
On this album he speaks to feeling like even though he’s accomplished so much, but it still not being enough.
Historically, it’s been hard for me to decenter external validation in relation to my art practice. Which I think is natural, for sure.
Lately though, I’ve been creating from a deeper need to express and I’ve been able to appreciate the deeper relationship that I have to my art. I’ve been thoroughly centering myself and my narrative in my work, which has been nice.
This album couldn’ t have come at a better time.
This is a redesign of my Instant Galaxy piece. You deserve a made-to-order Galaxy, not just a cup’o Cosmos <3