Evil Debut

Good afternoon.

I am evil now.

What does that mean?

It means that I am an evil woman.

I do evil things now.

Like tell people what I’m thinking.

We all know that’s the most evil thing a woman can do


Why did you decide this?

The “lesser of two evils”.

That’s what they said

when they decided I,

As a black woman,

don’t deserve the rights to my body

in ____ states and counting.

In 2024

And that word really stuck in my brain.

The idea of acceptable vs unacceptable evil.

The consequences people are willing to accept on my behalf.

What is acceptable evil?

I don’t feel the need to elaborate.

And what is unacceptable evil?

Black women speaking.

Black women in positions of power.

Black women being worthy.

That is the evil

The majority of the population is conditioned to reject

With every fibre

of their fucking being.

And their reasonings always bore me.

They’re never original.

They’re never convincing.

They’re never honest.

I no longer care why they feel the need to lie.

I no longer feel the need to lie.

What are the side effects of Evil?


Even when I don’t have anything nice to say

at all


Refusing community with people who voted against me having the rights to my body.


Acting solely in my best black interests.

How long does evil last?

Some say evil lasts for around four and a half years.

Some say once you become evil,

It never truly leaves you.

It hangs over you for the rest of your life

Like a Supreme Court justice

Or a signature on a bill

How long does an abortion ban last?

How long does Police Immunity last?

That’s probably how long evil lasts.

Is evil fatal?

Not to anyone that matters


That’s what it means to pick the

“Lesser of two evils”

It means that whoever dies because of that decision

Didn’t matter anyway,



States Rights